Your sunrise chases away the dark of my night. Light will always be more powerful then darkness. Hope, greater than defeat. Laughter, louder than despair.
I cry a lot lately. Mid-life crisis? Changing of seasons? Letting go….
Last night I whispered “Jesus. Jesus. Jesus” over and over. Pressing thru the sadness and wiping away the tears using only His name. This morning I arose out of willpower and necessity.
After the pinks were on the bus, I put on some music and LITERALLY danced on depression. I will NOT go down singing of the greatness and the power of my God. I.WILL.NOT #wArship
There is too much at stake.
Then the sun peeked into my night and grew with an intensity that can’t be matched. His light and love are blinding. He is as near as the light kissing my face.
Today is another one-foot-in-front-of-the-o

Kati Schmucker is wife to John and mom to “The Pinks” (Lydia, Hannalee, and Abriel). She is currently serving as Director of Biblical Counseling at SPA Women’s Ministry Homes in Elkhart, IN. She is very active in her local church, loves to read, worship and sip coffee alone in the early morning hours.