The key to living an amplified life and living life out loud is knowing Jesus Christ and who we are in Him. When we can grasp how God truly sees us, it changes the way that we live our lives. No longer do we just exist and go through the motions, but we intentionally choose to tackle each day with purpose and passion. Not in our own strength and power, but in His. When we fully trust in His perfect love and how much He delights in us (even with our imperfections), it frees us to be who He created us to be. This enables us to be comfortable in our own skin, comfortable enough to strip away every mask and pretense and present ourselves to others as we truly are and not who we want them to see.
Ephesians 1:11-12 (MSG) – “It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, He had His eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose He is working out in everything and everyone.”
What is this glorious living? It’s the abundant life He promises us in John 10:10. It’s living out loud the life you’ve fully surrendered to God.
God created us to live out loud so that HIS purposes can be accomplished. And if He has His eye on us, then surely His ears are listening as well… listening to how this glorious living is being portrayed to those around us.
What does your life sound like? Do you often feel like it’s on mute? What is silencing you and keeping you from living life out loud? Fear? Shame? Inadequacy? Low self-esteem? It’s time to turn off those voices and tune in to the voice of the Spirit. His voice must be louder than all others if you want to successfully live an amplified and glorious life.
Once you’ve done that, ask Him to crank up the volume of your life so that you can live out loud.

Jamie Eggers is the daughter of a professional con man and the daughter of a King. Despite her tumultuous upbringing, she is thankful for the adversity she had to overcome as it has formed her into the person that she is today. Jamie is passionate about intentionally investing in relationships, helping others overcome trauma, living a healthy and balanced life, and and of course, laughing. She currently lives in Northern Indiana with her husband, Steve. They have two adult children, Josiah and Sierra.