
If you’re a parent or work with small kids, I’m sure you’ve had some incredible conversations. The questions these little humans come up with absolutely amaze me.

This is how a conversation ensued with my 5-year-old around the breakfast table this morning. It all started out super inquisitive and fun, and then we both ended up in tears. Read on…

Miss O: Mom, when were the sun and moon born?

Mom: That’s a great question. They were born on day 1 when God created them by speaking a word out of his mouth.

Miss O: Oh, that’s right, like in the creation story.

Mom: yes, isn’t that cool how God just spoke and bam💥 things were created?

Miss O: Yes. Mom, when will they die? The sun and moon…

Mom: 🤔🤔 hmmm, I don’t know! It’s a mystery, only God knows when.

Miss O: how far is heaven?

Mom: it’s far above the blue sky we see today, yet it’s ever so close as our breath.

Miss O: I want to go to heaven today, I can’t wait! I want to go play with Zachary (and now I can’t help it but be plunged in alongside her).

👼 She’s in deep thought and I see the tears start coming, I feel the deep, deep longing within her and it reflects what my heart is saying too.

Oh baby, me too, me too! One day soon, yes, one day soon!

💕So now our breakfast ends up in a looooong mother/daughter hug as we weep together, remembering our Zachary who daily learns and grows in Heaven! While our hearts yearn for Heaven and it’s but a breath away, we continue to set our gaze on the ONE who daily blesses, loves, carries, and mercifully graces us! Jesus, yes, Jesus is the One who gets all the glory! I have no idea how it would be to not have HOPE and not know one day soon we shall be reunited!

My daughter has taught me SO much about grief, how to process, how to be okay with it etc. Even though she has never met her older brother, she has a bond with him that’s ‘Godput’ (I don’t know how else to put it ). It’s incredible to watch her process her own grief in a healthy way!

My heart is overwhelmed with the goodness of God today as I embrace my story!

What’s your story? Can you see the goodness of Papa God intertwined throughout it?

You are so loved and you are not alone!

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