Recently we celebrated Father’s Day. I will say that I love to celebrate this special day because I am so incredibly blessed with the most amazing wonderful super sweet precious father who means the world to me and is my hero! I have so many awesome priceless precious memories of my Dad growing up and continue to have through my adult years! It makes me smile real big to think about them and brings me much joy!!!
Now I realize that some of you do not have a wonderful Father or priceless memories of him or even know who your father is and that absolutely breaks my heart. I am so very sorry. I cannot imagine how awful that must be and so very painful.
My precious Dad and Mom taught me very young how very important it is to become a Christian and love the Lord with all my heart. That’s the greatest gift anyone has ever given me! I will forever be thankful for that! God, which I like to call my Father, loves me and you and everyone way more than we can even think or imagine! WOW!!! You know how you love your children unconditionally even when they mess up and make mistakes and forgive them when they tell you they are sorry for what they have done wrong. Well our heavenly Father does the same thing for us! We all sin and mess up and do things we shouldn’t do, but when we are truly sorry and ask God to forgive us for our sins and for messing up He will forgive you because HE LOVES US SO VERY MUCH!!!! He lavishly loves each of us unconditionally!
“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” – 1 John 3:1a
I saw the cutest most precious sight at our church the other Sunday! It was during worship time. Sitting a few pews ahead of us was what looked like a father and a young son, maybe 5 years old, sitting close together. This man was standing there in the pew with his hands raised high in worship and this cute little boy beside him was mimicking him doing, exactly what the man was doing. He had his precious little hands raised as high as he could go! Then a little bit later the man had his hands stretched out in front of him in worship and the adorable little boy was doing the same thing! My heart was melting…..such a precious priceless sight!!! Oh how our heavenly Father wants us to mimic Him and His ways and show His love to others and give people grace! It’s not always easy, that’s for sure, but He will help you if you ask Him to.
No matter your circumstances regarding your earthly Father, know that you have a heavenly Father who loves you more than you will ever know and wants to lavish His love on you!!! You are loved and appreciated my friend!!! πππ

Beth Pletcher lives in Northern Indiana with her handsome hubby, Rick, and their 3 awesome kiddos: Ray (19), Allen (17), and Lorrita (14). She works at World Missionary Press and enjoys her job very much! She loves Jesus and excels at being an encouragement and blessing to others! Laughing, having fun, and wearing bling are some of her favorite things! Oh, and don’t leave out the coffee and chocolate!