“You have a big call on your life!”
“God is going to do amazing things in and through your life.”
“You are super anointed.”
“Dream big!”
All the Christian catch phrases….they annoy the heck outta me. Now, more than ever, I hear these phrases and inwardly cringe. I know they are meant to inspire and empower. However, I have witnessed where many significance-hungry hearts end up, after being given such promises. Much like the rise and fall of blood sugar after enjoying a jelly filled donut, these individuals will dine on these words as if they alone are what define significance. We compassionately but irresponsibly toss these words at someone who does not know their true identity and then marvel at why they crash land in defeat and despair. In our culture, bigger is better. The more seen you are, the more significant you are. The louder you are, the greater an anointing you carry.
What if we affirm what we already see and know to be true? What if we, with the help of the Holy Spirit, point out the attributes of Christ that are already active in their lives? What if we remind them that being a child of God IS their identity (John 1:12)?
It is unfortunate that our religious culture implies greatness equals publicity or notoriety. What if we help one another guard our hearts from ambition and false security by speaking the truths and promises found in the Word of God (Ephesians 5:18-19)? What could happen if we would commit to look a little deeper before speaking and only call up what is riding just below the surface in them?
I am now beginning to understand the influence of the things done in faithfulness and integrity. The obedient and steady pace of love, service and sacrifice are utterly precious to the heart of God. These very things are what will change our communities and ultimately our world. We don’t need another public pretty face or incredibly talented celebrity to idolize. Our communities are depleted and anemic of integrity. What we really need are secret world changers. People who delight in hiddenness and the power of being unknown by the masses. Our communities are crying out for Christ followers that are willing to lead and be led from a place of humility.
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it (Proverbs 4:23). Let’s protect each other from selfish ambition by speaking honestly and calling each other up to truth. Let’s be willing to stay low (humble) and model the steadiness of our Heavenly Father. Let’s live out loud, what is being birthed in the secret place.

Kati Schmucker is wife to John and mom to “The Pinks” (Lydia, Hannalee, and Abriel). She is currently serving as Director of Biblical Counseling at SPA Women’s Ministry Homes in Elkhart, IN. She is very active in her local church, loves to read, worship and sip coffee alone in the early morning hours.