Shamed into Silence

Secrets. The very word evokes mystery, questions, and suspense. We are all eager to know everyone else’s secrets, but rarely want anyone to know ours. Why is that? I think it’s because most secrets are rooted in shame. If shame was not attached to our secrets, we would have no problem saying them out loud. […]

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Whisper Roars

Recently I had an experience in my bathtub. Yep. In the bathtub. I had my head in the water and I was pondering the kindness and beauty of God. While underwater, I whispered, “I adore you.” As I exhaled  a literal whisper, “I adore you,” I saw and simultaneously experienced a sacred interchange. My words […]

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Living Life Out Loud

The key to living an amplified life and living life out loud is knowing Jesus Christ and who we are in Him. When we can grasp how God truly sees us, it changes the way that we live our lives. No longer do we just exist and go through the motions, but we intentionally choose […]

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Winter Worn Heart

Spring has had a hard time coming in this year and as my family and I went on a lovely walk several weeks ago, we came upon these beauties! Honestly, I had never seen anything like them before! The pure beauty of these flowers (Snowdrops, I found out later) amongst all the dead, the brown, […]

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A Lie I Believed

So much stirring in my heart today… Tuesday I was at a place/meeting where I knew no one, and couldn’t have been more out of my comfort zone! I went, because I knew that being afraid or uncomfortable isn’t a good reason not to do something. My boss has often told me over the years […]

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Your sunrise chases away the dark of my night. Light will always be more powerful then darkness. Hope, greater than defeat. Laughter, louder than despair. I cry a lot lately. Mid-life crisis? Changing of seasons? Letting go…. Last night I whispered “Jesus. Jesus. Jesus” over and over. Pressing thru the sadness and wiping away the […]

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