
If you’re a parent or work with small kids, I’m sure you’ve had some incredible conversations. The questions these little humans come up with absolutely amaze me. This is how a conversation ensued with my 5-year-old around the breakfast table this morning. It all started out super inquisitive and fun, and then we both ended […]

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40 Minutes

This morning I jolted awake with the realization that my husband was out of bed and I was still in it, and it should’ve been the other way around! I quickly grabbed my phone to check my alarm. In dismay I realized I HAD OVERSLEPT because I had accidentally set it to p.m. instead of […]

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Are You a Responder or a Reactor?

Throughout most of my childhood, I was on constant alert. I had to constantly gauge my father’s mood every second of every day in order to know how to behave and react. I didn’t have the luxury of time to reason through things and respond logically. In survival mode, you learn to react and react […]

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Pursuing God

I am learning in my pursuit of becoming all that God called me to be that first and foremost MUST be my relationship with God! He is my ‘Papa’… no, not my sugar daddy, but my good good Father! He’s my Shepherd, who tenderly leads me to green pastures, who IS that fresh cool drink […]

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What If?

What If? I know. I know. You aren’t supposed to ask yourself the “what if” questions. They can create too much margin for fear or discouragement or blah, blah, blah.  Whatev’s. I need routine and the pressure of a deadline to persist and produce. This week I don’t have any of that. We are coming […]

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