Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Here is the Gospel, plain and simple (nothing new that you haven’t heard before) in 5 little points:
1. We are human and we make mistakes.
2. Those mistakes point us and others to our need for a Savior.
3. Jesus is our Savior.
4. God has forgiven us because of Jesus’ righteousness, not ours.
5. We need to live and walk in the freedom that forgiveness brings.
Now let me put it in Mommy language for you:
1. Mama, hate to break it to you… but you ain’t perfect! You are gonna screw up… big time, many times, all the time.
2. Your failures are gonna show your littles that you ain’t got it all together, but thankfully you run to Someone who does.
3. You don’t have to be a martyr. You don’t have to do all, be all, have it all figured out. You can’t save yourself or your kiddos! That’s Jesus’ job!
4. Daughter, guess what? It’s okay! It’s okay to fail and make mistakes. I forgive you! Not because you deserve it or have earned it, but because I LOVE YOU!
5. Hey! Don’t worry! I got this! Trust Me! I am very capable of handling every single kind of situation and turning it around for your good and My Glory.
So simple, right? But we Christians tend to complicate it and make it more difficult than it really is.
So, can we REALLY mess up our kids? I honestly don’t think so! Saying we can denies the power of an all powerful, mighty God and is basically saying that we believe we are more powerful than He is. It’s saying that our choices are more powerful than God’s grace.
Always remember and be encouraged that the Bible says that God works ALL things together for our good. I actually think that’s a weak translation. I think it should say God works things ALL things together for our BEST. I heard Plumb say at a concert that “Good is the enemy of best!” How true is that! You see, we get comfortable in the good and settle for less than what God has for us… His BEST!
Friends, pursue His BEST for your life, for your children and for your grandchildren! The more we walk in freedom, the more we experience His best in our lives.

Jamie Eggers is the daughter of a professional con man and the daughter of a King. Despite her tumultuous upbringing, she is thankful for the adversity she had to overcome as it has formed her into the person that she is today. Jamie is passionate about intentionally investing in relationships, helping others overcome trauma, living a healthy and balanced life, and and of course, laughing. She currently lives in Northern Indiana with her husband, Steve. They have two adult children, Josiah and Sierra.