Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Want to really get this mothering thing figured out? It starts by being a DAUGHTER. You, my friends, are daughters of the Most High God. In order to parent effectively, you have to learn what it is that means.
You see, we have to REALLY believe He is who He says He is, in order to believe that we are who He says we are!
So, having said that, here are some deep questions to ponder. The immediate answer to most of these will be an automatic yes. But I don’t want your immediate response, your surface Christian persona. I want you to truly search your heart. If you want to get free, you have to go after those scary places in your heart, uncover the lies you have been believing, present them to the Father, and then receive the revelation of His truth and Heart. So, here we go…
• Do you REALLY believe God can make ALL things new?
Revelation 21:5a “And He who sits on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.”
2 Corinthians 5:17 “So whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come.”
• Do you REALLY believe He can turn ALL things together for good?
Romans 8:28 “We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose.”
• Do you REALLY believe He can take a muddled mess and make it beautiful?
Ecc. 3:11 “He has made everything beautiful in its time.”
Is. 61:3b (NLT) “He will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair.”
• If so, if you really believe those things, do you REALLY believe those things apply to YOU?
It’s easy to believe those truths are for others, or for those Bible heroes we read about in the Word… but do you believe (do you know that you know that you know in your heart) that those truths are for YOU?
Your identity is not tied up in who/what you are or what you do. You can be the worst wife, mother, employee in the entire world. You could be on death row for murder, but you would STILL be a DAUGHTER of the Most High! You could lose your husband, your kids, your job, your physical freedom, even your life… but NOTHING or NO ONE can ever take His love away from you!
I chose to show you some of MY uglies, so that you can see God’s beauty. Did you know God likes to show Himself off in our scars? The things that we see as ugly and unsightly, that we think turn people off, are the very things that draw them in and attract them. Why? Because AUTHENTICITY (being real) is way more attractive than PERFECTIONISM (having it all together)!
So, mama, LET YOURSELF BE REAL! So what if you didn’t get the laundry folded and put away? So what if you made a biting remark to someone at work today? So what if you lost your temper when your little one flushed a GI Joe down the toilet? IT’S NOT ABOUT THE MISTAKES WE MAKE! IT’S WHAT WE DO AFTER THEM! Repent, apologize, move on! Don’t wallow in guilt, wallow in surrender!

Jamie Eggers is the daughter of a professional con man and the daughter of a King. Despite her tumultuous upbringing, she is thankful for the adversity she had to overcome as it has formed her into the person that she is today. Jamie is passionate about intentionally investing in relationships, helping others overcome trauma, living a healthy and balanced life, and and of course, laughing. She currently lives in Northern Indiana with her husband, Steve. They have two adult children, Josiah and Sierra.