I stood there in my kitchen, alone, in the stillness and a deep sigh escaped my lips as I breathed in the deliciousness of the moment. That sigh was actually a prayer of gratitude for this moment of complete solitude! You see, we had had some really intense weeks and I hadn’t had much alone time with my Father, my tank sitting at the E mark. All the training of little ones, their needs, wants, and desires plus every other duty moms have had left me feeling wrung out.

I knew I had about 2 hours to myself and as I stood there drinking it in, I contemplated for a quick moment what I should do first. Any other mama been there? You feel me?

In those very quick moments as I stood there, suddenly the atmosphere changed and I knew Jesus walked in. It was this sweetness, this presence of peace and delight. I turned and said out loud,” hey, why are you here?” Why I said that, I don’t really know because I sensed a smile and it was like He was saying, “I’m just here to BE with you!” It was so incredibly holy and sweet.

I had to finish up a couple things and shower to get ready for an engagement I had that night. All I wanted to do was throw out the engagement and just sit in my livingroom with Jesus and talk or listen, but it felt like He was saying, “hey, it’s cool, go for it, I’m just here to BE with you.” This presence followed me all through house and I sobbed through my shower, letting go of all the pent up emotion from months of hard stuff. I asked him again, “why are you here?”

Fear wanted to set in that perhaps someone in my family would die tonight or soon and the warrior in me rose up to pray over them. As I prayed I knew that it was just fear to try to rob me of enjoying my Father, because the smile never left. He watched me do my makeup and I just breathed him in, now crying so much, I might of just as well forgotten the makeup.

So, for an hour or 2, He came to just BE with me, letting me know He sees me, He hasn’t turned His eyes away from me, but that He knows EVERY SINGLE thing I had faced.

In those moments I knew I was so cherished, valued, and delighted in. I knew I was enough, that nothing could change His mind. To think that the Creator of the universe loves us so dearly and intimately that He comes to us exactly like we need and like He knows us is absolutely profound! This is an incredible gift to me! THIS is what grounds me, knowing whose I am, knowing I can lean in, lean on His chest in the tough times. I’m learning to trust Him more fully.

Why am I telling you this? I trust as I tell my story that this will bring you hope, an invitation to BE with your Creator. An invitation to ‘taste’ and ‘see’ that the Lord is good! (Psalms 34:8)

Friend, wherever you are in life, do you know He loves you right where you are?
Do you know He sings over you with delight? (Zeph. 3:17)
Do you know He loves to be with you?

There really isn’t anything you can do to make Him not love you! In that love He has set you free when He said,”It is done!” It is for freedom that Christ has set you free! (Gal.5:1) It is for you and I to experience this love, this freedom, to taste and see that the Lord is good!

Will you lean in? Will you trust Him? No, it’s not going to be easy, it never is. While it’s not easy, it is what you were made for!

BE in His love today!! Much love and grace to each of you from our Father!

*Photo by Alex Blăjan on Unsplash

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