It was one of those days. I was extra tired with a lot on my mind and heart. I was dealing with attitudes and training young ones. If you’re a parent of young ones in training you will know what I mean when I say my brain juice was pretty much used up. So, brain juice bottomed out, quickly seeing that I need to rethink my MAP (mundane action plan) for the PM hours. I switched gears, seeing that if I do what I had set out to do, I would not only max myself out but I would put stress on the rest of my family. I hate stress and do not function well with too much pressure.
So as I altered the plan, fate would have it that I forgot ALL about the fact that I had turned on the oven in preps for delicious rhubarb dessert for dinner. You should know that I sometimes use my oven racks to hold pantry items such as this Tupperware of ‘guilt-free’ cookies due to pantry space being limited.
Alas, said container of cookies was completely forgotten as the oven warmed up to 350° and doing it’s job, beeped at me to let me know it’s ready. As it beeped, I was like, wait, did I turn that on? Annnnnd WHY am I smelling cookies baking??? Umm huh, yep, my tired brain completely forgot to take out my gooey healthy chocolate chip cookies. I make a mad dash for the oven to find THIS.

I gasped, pulled the container out and off the rack, quickly seeing my favorite cookie container had seen its last days.

Mind racing, thinking what I’d do next, some quick unkind words escaped my lips as I realized what I’d done. Just as quickly though, my inner self reminded me to STOP and to be kind, to forgive, to give grace. I sighed a big sigh and then released myself from the guilty voices wanting to beat me up. I chose to forgive myself right then and there, out loud. Deep breaths, yes, deep breaths! My inner critic didn’t want to, oh no, because y’all, it was used to yelling at (on the inside) and beating myself up over things such as this. As soon as I shut up the mean inner critic, chose to forgive myself, to let it go, to… wait for it, EXTEND grace to myself, a heavy yoke fell off my shoulders. It was so freeing in that moment to see what extending grace and forgiveness to yourself will do, for you, for your family.
You see, about a year ago, I embarked on this journey of learning that grace and kindness, forgiveness and deliberately choosing life would heal my heart. The process has been incredibly freeing, sometimes scary, yet so worth it. I’m seeing where it gets easier and easier the more I practice these truths and I know it’s becoming a part of who I am.
What is the moral of this story? When you change how you think and speak to yourself, you will be liberated! Be kind to yourself! Speak kindly to your heart! Forgive yourself quickly so shame and guilt have no foothold. That’s not who you are! Learn to extend grace for you! It’s there for you, God has already given it to you! Be encouraged, dear heart!
**Full disclaimer: the cookies were saved, thank God! Also, the rack has yet to be cleaned. That’s next on my MAP! Yep, that’s mom life!

Sarah Lambright is a SAH Momprenuer that lives in rural Indiana with her husband, Dave, and their 2 miracle children, Olivia and Joshua. She is devoted to making beautiful memories with her family and leaving a Godly legacy for her children. Sarah loves to encourage, inspire, and edify others and is passionate about deep relationships, fashion, music, and worship! She deeply loves all things nature, where flowers and butterflies pull her heart heavenward, in awe of her Papa God!