This morning I jolted awake with the realization that my husband was out of bed and I was still in it, and it should’ve been the other way around! I quickly grabbed my phone to check my alarm. In dismay I realized I HAD OVERSLEPT because I had accidentally set it to p.m. instead of a.m. and had exactly 40 minutes before I had to leave for work.
I threw on my robe, rapped my knuckles across Z’s door to make sure he was awake and ran downstairs to quickly pack his school lunch.
As I was throwing stuff into his lunch box, I kept hearing the garbage trucks. I was wondering why on earth they were here so early! And then I remembered we hadn’t taken the garbage out to the curb the night before. Gah. One more thing I had to do before I left for work!
5 minutes later I was STILL hearing those garbage trucks when it suddenly dawned on me — these were not garbage trucks! Oh no, these were the men that were here to cut our trees down today. Which made me remember that we didn’t get our vehicle out of the way last night either. I now have 25 minutes before I had to leave, and this was one more thing I had to do! My panic level was rising as my mind was figuring out everything I had to do before I left the house.
I called upstairs to Brent to see if he can run out and move the truck. Nope – he was less presentable to go outside than I was! Oh Lord Jesus have mercy on me. I’m seriously about to go OUTSIDE in my robe, hoping these 6 men don’t really see me. Here goes nothing. As I’m going out the door, OF COURSE the foreman comes around the corner because he wanted to confirm some instructions with me. I think I died of embarrassment and resurrected right there on the spot! “Sorry, I know we’re here kind of early,” he said. “You think??!!!” I was shouting in my head! π Oh gracious – I could barely look him in the face I was so mortified. I hadn’t even tried to tame my bedhead before I stepped outside!
I followed him around the corner and slipped into the van and got out of Dodge with that van and parked it in front of the house! π
I now had about 20 minutes before I had to leave, and I still hadn’t showered. When I walked back inside I saw that our dog, who NEVER has an accident, had pooped sometime during the night.
You have GOT to be kidding me! π I was in sheer panic mode already – ain’t nobody got time to clean up poop!!! I felt the minutes ticking by as I cleaned it up.
Why do ALL the things happen in the space of ONE HOUR?! I’ve been trying to find the humor everywhere I can the last several years, but I’m telling you – I was NOT laughing at that moment.
I did an Olympian sprint back upstairs, heart pumping, about to take THE fastest shower in the history of ever when suddenly the peaceful breath of God just swept over me and I heard Him speak to my heart, “You’re held in the grip of grace.” As quickly as the words came, my whole body, heart and mind exhaled… and as I exhaled, the peace from that beautiful grace came flooding in.
I still took the fastest shower in the history of ever. But now my frantic spirit was at peace. I still didn’t know how I was going to make it to work on time, but somehow, I just knew I would.
I threw my clothes on and “somehow” miraculously my hair turned out okay with me only touching it for a couple minutes. I guess God has hairdresser in his resume as well. π Jaci and I gathered the trash and she ran it to the curb and we peeled out of the driveway.
(I might have done my makeup in the high school parking lot after I dropped off Jaci because I realized I had about 3 minutes to spare.)
And guess what? I made it to work on time. What in the actual what?! Total miracle of grace!!!
Held in the grip of Grace. Iβve decided itβs a great place to be. π
(And the chuckles came many times later on as I remembered my frantic morning.)
*I love that God showed me in a tangible way an aspect of being held in the grip of grace, but please dear Jesus, I do not want another morning like that ever again! π
**Yesterday the words “I am held in the grip of grace” seemed to run through my mind hundreds of times. It was such a holy mic drop moment when I read those words that morning. It was amazing to have those words sweep over me and change my spirit in a split second.
Romans 5:17 Death once held us in its grip, and by the blunder of one man, death reigned as king over humanity. But now, how much more are we held in the grip of grace and continue reigning as kings in life, enjoying our regal freedom through the gift of perfect righteousness in the one and only Jesus, the Messiah! (TPT)

Esther Hochstetler lives in the Hoosier state with her husband, their two children and a spoiled Shih Tzu where puns are thrown around like confetti.Β She’s fond of hugs, and spending time with family and friends makes her heart smile real big!Β She loves when their home rings with the noise of people gathered around their table.Β Her modus operandi for life is simple: Love God and love people.