Craving Significance

“You have a big call on your life!” “God is going to do amazing things in and through your life.” “You are super anointed.” “Dream big!” All the Christian catch phrases….they annoy the heck outta me. Now, more than ever, I hear these phrases and inwardly cringe. I know they are meant to inspire and […]

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Heart Concussions

It wasn’t until the age of 41 that I realized that I had lived my entire life in survival brain mode, due to multiple heart concussions.  Heart concussions are traumas to the heart, some known and some unknown until years later.  Similar to brain concussions, the effects of these injuries don’t often occur at the […]

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Prayin’ for You, Whoever You Are

My husband shared his life story with the high school students on Sunday. Some of his story of course includes me, since I’ve shared his life for the past 23+ years. He told them about meeting me, what attracted him to me, etc. During his talk he told them about a very dark time in his […]

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